Sanctuaries in Lviv archdiocese: current state and development prospects


  • Oresta Bordun Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Andrij Kovalchuk Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


sanctuary, amount of pilgrims, canon, location of the sanctuaries


This article provides a geographical and functional analysis of the biggest Roman Catholic sanctuaries in Lviv archdiocese. It also explains the definition of the word “sanctuary”, its connection with Catholic canons. Based on the survey, the amount of pilgrims of 15 sanctuaries in Lviv archdiocese is calculated. Some of them are more than three hundred years in action, and some are quite new. The part of the sanctuaries is located in little villages with poorly developed infrastructure, and this is a problematic issue. The image of spatial layout the sanctuaries in Lviv archdiocese and differentiation amount of pilgrims in 2017 are show. It is interesting to dwell on some of the most popular  sanctuaries in more details. Characteristics of Sanctuary of St Anthony in Lviv and others sacred place are exposed. Problems and perspectives of sanctuaries in Lviv archdiocese are identified.


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How to Cite

Bordun, O., & Kovalchuk, A. (2018). Sanctuaries in Lviv archdiocese: current state and development prospects. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 8(4), 53–60. Retrieved from


