Changing business environment in Belarus


  • Olena Hrechyshkina Polessky State University
  • Maryia Samakhavets Polessky State University



business environment, changes, economic development, organizations, enterprises, Belarus


The paper considers the business environment in the context of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus. It is analyzed and evaluated the current state of the Belarusian business in terms of various criteria: activity objectives, ownership types, organizational and legal forms, size. In this paper aspects of transformation of property relations and other priorities of macroeconomic environment in the Republic of Belarus for a long, medium and short term are given. The paper is based on data in the Belarusian economy in 2012-2018. The raw data is extracted and processed by authors from the database of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.


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How to Cite

Hrechyshkina, O., & Samakhavets, M. (2019). Changing business environment in Belarus. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 9(1), 1–11.


