About restrictions of land rights in Ukraine


  • Dmytro Fedchyshyn Zaporizhzhia National University
  • Iryna Ignatenko Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University




restriction of land rights, land use, land ownership, public interests, private interests, Ukraine


The article deals with restrictions on the exercise of land rights. Attention is paid to the consideration of the content of the concept of “restriction of subjective right to land” and the views of domestic scientists regarding its definition are analyzed. The classification of restrictions on rights to land by different criteria is proposed. The peculiarities of reconciliation of public and private interests in the establishment of restrictions on the rights to land are explored.



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How to Cite

Fedchyshyn, D., & Ignatenko, I. (2019). About restrictions of land rights in Ukraine. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 9(1), 23–27. https://doi.org/10.26881/jpgs.2019.1.03


