Ukrainian practice of the military radio broadcasting development during the military conflict


  • Tetiana Hyrina Classic Private University


military conflict in Ukraine, social adaptation, type of radio programme, Ukrainian radio broadcasting


The article explored the potential of radio broadcasting in a coverage of the military conflict in Ukraine. It is determined that the most specific for Ukrainian broadcast is an entertaining, social and psychological, arts and cultural, patriotic (ideological and agitational), historical, information and analytics projects, demonstrating that the potentiality of radio broadcasting make such radio programmes closer to the broadcast listener not only at home, but and in the trenches or in the adaptation after the combat area service. The author notes the lack of attention of radio companies to the topics of anti-terrorist operation (ATO), and focuses on the potential of radio broadcasting for the social adaptation of service members and people affected by military conflict in eastern Ukraine and Crimea in the postwar period.


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How to Cite

Hyrina, T. (2018). Ukrainian practice of the military radio broadcasting development during the military conflict. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 8(1), 64–70. Retrieved from


