Center-periphery processes and urbanization stadiality in Belarus


  • Henadzi Rydzeuski Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus


center-periphery processes, social, ecological and economic regions, functional types of urban settlements, urbanization stages, regional policy, Republic of Belarus


Basing on active and hierarchically organized center-periphery processes, functional typology of urban settlements of Belarus is presented and stages of the country’s urbanization development are revealed. This functional typology of urban settlements reflects their role in settlement systems and urbanization stages are marked out in view of growth or decline of population in urban settlements of any functional type. Such a concept which reflects urbanization stages of urban settlements performing different functions in hierarchically organized settlement systems can be called the functional urbanization concept. Revealed urbanization stages indicate competition of polycentric and monocentric models of the territorial structure of Belarus during the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. As monocentric development generates overconcentration of the population, economy and environmental management processes and intensifies social, economic and environmental problems, the country’s optimum development strategy should be the polycentric one, which can be achieved through active regional policy aimed at sustainable and inclusive development.


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How to Cite

Rydzeuski, H. (2017). Center-periphery processes and urbanization stadiality in Belarus. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 7(4), 14–24. Retrieved from


