The methodological principles of evaluating the effectiveness of foreign aid projects in Ukraine


  • Polina Yurijivna Kulish National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine


international technical assistance, method, methodology, evaluation, performance evaluation, monitoring


The article examines the major issues of methodology that evaluates the effectiveness of technical assistance project implementation in Ukraine. It analyzes the organizational and legal assessment of the impact of international technical assistance upon regional development in the present context. The article puts forward some steps to define key performance indicators, principal evaluation and monitoring methods for implementing ITA projects. It is reasonable to create a unified national system for monitoring and auditing the effectiveness of projects being implemented at the expense of funds under the Ukrainian legislation.


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How to Cite

Kulish, P. Y. (2017). The methodological principles of evaluating the effectiveness of foreign aid projects in Ukraine. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 7(1), 70–76. Retrieved from


