Aspects of recreational and tourist activity in Yavoriv National Natural Park


  • Myroslava Kadnichanska Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


natural reserve fund, Yavoriv national natural park, tourist resources of Ukraine, ecotourism potential of Rostochchia


The peculiarities of the development of tourism at Yavoriv National Natural Park (YNNP) are highlighted, tourist and resource potential of the park is evaluated. YNNP – nature-protected, recreational, cultural and educational, scientific and research institution of national importance, established to preserve, reproduce and efficiently use of natural complexes and objects of Roztochchia which have special ecological, healthy, historical and cultural, scientific, educational and aesthetic value. The problems and perspectives of tourist development and recreation at this ecological territory. Yavoriv national park has significant recreational potential for the development of eco-educational, historical, cultural, and sacral tourism, and sports (equestrian, cycling and skiing) tourism, and at the surrounding areas – qualified tourism (hunting, fishing). The park already operates a number of walking and bus routes, ecological and cognitive trails fixed places for rest are equipped.


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How to Cite

Kadnichanska, M. (2016). Aspects of recreational and tourist activity in Yavoriv National Natural Park. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 6(4), 52–56. Retrieved from


