„Innovative identities“? The issue of cultural and linguistic fragmentation in Montagna Friulana (north eastern Italy)
Region Friuli Venetia Giulia – North Eastern Italy, local identity revival, geography of peripheral condition, Eastern Alps, ethnic and linguistic minoritiesAbstract
The current globalization realty is characterized by the constant coming up of new identities, that are appearing at any scale, almost as a side-effect of parallel phenomena signifying increasingly cultural indeterminateness. This paper argues that this phenomenon is connected to a condition of periphericity, namely to a sense of vulnerability that arise outside the umbrella once provided by modern state; furthermore this paper argues that this phenomenon is indifferently affecting any culture, not considering ethnic and linguistic derivation. Such situation figures out a sort of paradox of the globalization, which, while extending the hegemony of a uniform code, would induce per reaction the flourishing of local cultures, sometimes evidencing a self-referential character, other times configuring the main stain for a new territorial consciousness.
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