Conceptual and analytical model of strategy of formation and implementation of state policy of regulation of land relations in Ukraine


  • Tetiana Tytarenko Chernihiv National University of Technology


strategy of state policy, conceptual and analytical model, state policy of regulating land relations


In this article the key provisions of using strategic planning in the management of land relations are revealed and justified in the context of formalizing of optimal for Ukraine conceptual and analytical model of strategy of formation and implementation of state policy of regulating land relations. According to the results of development of the conceptual and analytical model, four strategic goals are defined, under which operational objectives of state policy of regulating land relations in Ukraine are represented.


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How to Cite

Tytarenko, T. (2015). Conceptual and analytical model of strategy of formation and implementation of state policy of regulation of land relations in Ukraine. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 5(2), 46–50. Retrieved from


