Cannabis consumers in Poland


  • Andrzej Matczak University of Łódź
  • Przemysław Adam Pawlicki University of Łódź



consumer characteristics, regional differentiation, cannabis, Poland


The purpose of this study is an attempt to answer the following questions: (1) Is there a regional differentiation of cannabis consumers in Poland? (2) What is the scale of this differentiation? (3) What factors affect this differentiation? Our empirical study is based on the analysis of an anonymous online survey. The coefficient of variation, taxonomic measures of similarity, synthetic index and Spearman correlation coefficient are used in the analysis. It is observed that cannabis consumption in Poland is most popular among men, youth and young adults (Generation Y), as well as among those who are well-educated, relatively well-off and live in cities. The structure of selected demographic and socio-economic features of the respondents is poorly differentiated regionally. Regional differentiation in the structure of cannabis consumption frequency is at an average level. The spatial distribution of features characterizing the respondents is highly consistent with the spatial distribution of city dwellers aged 15–44, their sex and 5-year age ranges, the level of education, the size of cities and the level of gross domestic product.


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How to Cite

Matczak, A., & Pawlicki, . P. A. (2019). Cannabis consumers in Poland. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 9(2), 32–43.




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