The impact of the number of visits and the level of satisfaction on the intention to recommend a tourist destination. The example of Gdańsk


  • Tomasz Wiskulski Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport



Gdańsk, satisfaction, tourism, cluster analysis, logistic regression


The article focuses on examining the intention to recommend Gdańsk as a tourist destination to family and friends. The study was based on the results of a survey (Bęben et al., 2018) conducted among 2,508 respondents visiting Gdańsk in 2017. The method of cluster analysis was applied, thanks to which it was possible to divide the respondents into three clusters. Then, logistic regression was used to analyze the variables influencing the intention to recommend a destination. The study shows that for the entire sample the level of satisfaction from a visit to Gdańsk remains the factor supporting the decision to recommend a destination. Importantly, the total number of visits to Gdańsk is negatively correlated with the intention to recommend the destination, which proves only partial loyalty.


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How to Cite

Wiskulski, T. (2021). The impact of the number of visits and the level of satisfaction on the intention to recommend a tourist destination. The example of Gdańsk. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 11(1), 37–43.


