Methodological problems before regional development in the conditions of post COVID-19 governance


  • Kamen Petrov University of National and World Economy



regional development, region, methodology, problems, structure, management


This article is devoted to the theoretical problems of regional development in the conditions of post COVID-19 management. The text mphasizes the fundamental nature of regional development as a new scientific field, which has its own accumulation of knowledge, based on social sciences and natural sciences. The article focuses on problems with clarifying the place of regional development in post-crisis management. It is accepted that regional development has an important role in managing territorial problems and achieving a pulling development of individual spatial areas. In this direction, the very functional role of regional development brings to the fore the need for targeted measures and policies of a socio-economic nature. Some aspects of the regional development of scientific research are also presented. Emphasis is placed on the connections of regional development with other scientific directions and its role for effective geo-urban development, local self-government and local communities.



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How to Cite

Petrov, K. (2021). Methodological problems before regional development in the conditions of post COVID-19 governance. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 11(3), 41–48.


