Climatic conditions of the development of tourism and leisure on the Żuławy Alluvial Plain


  • Mirosława Malinowska University of Gdańsk



climate, tourism, Żuławy Alluvial Plain


Based on the data for the years 1981–2014 from two meteorological stations located in the central and northern part of the Żuławy Alluvial Plain, the climatic conditions for the development of tourism and recreation in this area were analyzed. The factors contributing to this type of activity are the average temperatures in the fall and winter months higher than in central Poland and lower temperatures in the summer months, a relatively small number of hot and very hot days, as well as ice and very ice days. The central part of the analyzed area is characterized by lower precipitation totals, lower relative humidity, lower number of steamy days, lower cloud cover, and a high number of days with less than 50% cloudiness than the northern part, which is favorable to tourism in this area. Due to the small number of days with snowfall and snow cover over 8 cm thick, the possibility of skiing here is limited.



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How to Cite

Malinowska, M. (2021). Climatic conditions of the development of tourism and leisure on the Żuławy Alluvial Plain. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 11(3), 49–58.


