Stabilisation and association agreement between the Western Balkan countries and the European Union


  • Senada Nezirović University of Sarajevo
  • Ana Živko University of Sarajevo
  • Belma Durmišević University of Sarajevo
  • Amna Hodžić University of Sarajevo



European Union, Western Balkan, stabilisation and association agreement, candidate country, potential candidate


The European Union (EU) represents a certain partnership and alliance between states and countries. It is not governed as the United States of America, nor intergoverned as the United Nations. Member States of the EU are sovereign countries united to become privileged and globally successful. Every enlargement of the Union is significant, but the fifth enlargement has been recognised, so far, as the most significant, showing the unification of Eastern and Western Europe. However, the most significant enlargement is yet to come with the Western Balkan countries becoming Member States of the EU (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia), considering the political and economic situation of the region. The European Commission has proposed the Stabilization and Association Process (SAP) for South East Europe, as the most significant frame for the EU to ensure relations with the Western Balkan countries and to direct its overall enlargement policy to this part of Europe. Associations of the Western Balkans are usually negative, referring to weak economic development, wars and political instability, which have led to the pre-accession strategy for the EU membership known as the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). The aim of this paper is to present the progress of the Western Balkan countries towards the EU membership, their current state, and the problems they face on that path and to explain the SAP and the SAA.


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How to Cite

Nezirović, S., Živko, A., Durmišević, B., & Hodžić, A. (2022). Stabilisation and association agreement between the Western Balkan countries and the European Union. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 12(2), 36–50.


