Resource Provision in the Field of Social Assistance in the Conditions of New Social Risks




social assistance, persons affected by emergencies, resource provision, new social risks


The purpose of this study was to identify the main ways to provide social assistance to restore the resource potential of victims of emergencies (military conflicts, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, etc.), as well as to highlight the features of training future specialists in the social sphere to deal with new social risks. The study used methods of scientific analysis and generalization, as well as comparing the experience of domestic and foreign researchers and social practitioners who worked with vulnerable contingents in overcoming the consequences of emergencies. The focus is on generalizing the results of the experience of training future specialists in the social sphere to work within an environment of new social risks. Based on the conducted research, it was concluded that for the professional activity of social sector specialists in resource provision in the conditions of new social risks, it is important to direct social assistance to restore the physical, mental and social health of people at all six levels of health, taking into account the peculiarities of their age, social status, as well as ethnic features and the context of the social problem. The main directions of relevant social work with victims of emergency situations have been defined: work on strengthening the family’s potential, establishment of useful social connections in a new environment, the use of art therapy practices to normalize the psychosomatic state of clients, the use of ethnocultural means to increase the possibilities of social adaptation in new conditions. Very important in the preparation of future specialists for the relevant work is the practice-oriented training on the basis of specialized social institutions working with victims in emergency situations, as well as mastering special techniques of self-development and professional self-improvement to increase one’s own resource potential.


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How to Cite

Kostina, V. (2023). Resource Provision in the Field of Social Assistance in the Conditions of New Social Risks. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 13(2), 38–45.


