On conceptual construal in Salvador Dalí’s Surrealist representations of sexuality: A cognitive linguistic perspective





image, metaphor, metonymy, scenario, sexuality, Surrealism, visual perception


Both verbal and visual communication rely on figurative strategies of metaphor and metonymy to give meaningful form to perception. Three Freud-inspired Surrealist classics by Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) – the newspaper gouache Mae West’s Face Which Can Be Used as a Surrealist Apartment (1934-1935), the painting Anthropomorphic Chest of Drawers (1936), and the assemblage Lobster Telephone (1938) – represent various aspects of sexuality by means of complex interplays of visual metaphors and metonymies. Though most of them have conventional verbal counterparts, their source domains have been elaborated in novel ways. As a result, the metaphors and the metonymies function as multimodal prompts that ‘open’ subconscious associations and thus allow the viewer to interpret Dalí’s ideas in terms of surreal scenarios related to sexuality.


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How to Cite

Kosecki, K. (2023). On conceptual construal in Salvador Dalí’s Surrealist representations of sexuality: A cognitive linguistic perspective. Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (20/3), 27–49. https://doi.org/10.26881/bp.2023.3.02


