On the value of general pedagogy practice in teacher education: A proposal of teaching practice tasks





teacher education, pedagogy practice, trainee, portfolio, tasks


The aim of the present paper is to explore the value of general pedagogy practice in educating pre-service teachers of English. In the first part of the paper, the discussion begins with a brief overview of some key concepts related to the teaching profession, teacher education and teaching practice. The major functions of teaching practice, with specific focus on general pedagogy practice, are examined in the light of the Regulation by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 17 January 2012 on Educational Standards in Preparation for the Teaching Profession (2012). Furthermore, selected models and concepts of organising teaching practice at different Polish teacher training institutions are outlined. The second part of the paper is devoted to presenting an organisational framework of the general pedagogy practice at the Institute of English and American Studies, Gdańsk University. A proposal of a series of teaching practice tasks is put forward along with suggested content of the portfolio documenting trainees’ field experience. The paper closes with some recommendations for improving the quality of the university practicum programmes.


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How to Cite

Aleksandrowska, O., & Gilis-Siek, J. (2019). On the value of general pedagogy practice in teacher education: A proposal of teaching practice tasks. Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (16/3), 103–133. https://doi.org/10.26881/bp.2019.3.05



Academic Teaching