On the rudiments of the eye tracking glottodidactics





glottodidactics, eye tracking, glottodidactic methods, experimental glottodidactics


The article presents briefly the main aim of eye tracking supported research carried out within the scope of what is broadly understood to be second language learning and teaching. Special emphasis is placed on the capabilities and limitations of eye tracking based cognition in second language learning and teaching. Eye tracking based research of second language learning and teaching is, from the scientific point of view, relevant in so as much as it measurably contributes to the creation of new, or the verification of previously acquired, scientific knowledge, in as much as it contributes to the scientific cognition of the object of glottodidactics. The article introduces the basic assumptions of eye tracking glottodidactics. In this sense it constitutes the first part of the presentation of the results of the eye tracking supported project “Developing language competences in secondary school students with developmental dyslexia”, which was implemented at the University of Warsaw. The second part of the presentation is the article "Layout changes in the textbook of English and their influence on the dyslectic students’ work effectiveness – an eye tracking analysis'' written by Agnieszka Andrychowicz-Trojanowska and published in this issue of Beyond Philology.


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How to Cite

Grucza, S. (2020). On the rudiments of the eye tracking glottodidactics. Beyond Philology An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, (17/3), 57–76. https://doi.org/10.26881/bp.2020.3.04


