Ukraine in the Territorial Migration Systems: Current Structural-Qualimetric Aspects of the Formation and Development


  • Uliana Sadowa Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Tetiana Stepura Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Ihor Baranyak SI «Institute of Regional Research n.a. M.I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine


workforce, labor market, labor potential, migration flows, labor migration, territorial migration system, structural-qualimetric analysis


A characteristic feature of the new economy of the 21st century is the wide-scale transformation of the social relations in the sphere of labor and employment. Human migration that leads to the quantitative and qualitative changes in the numbers, structure, organization of the migrant workers flows holds a special place that is shown by the role of the migration capital in the development of national economy of the states and their separate regions, generates appearance of the new mechanisms of regulation in the market, etc. Migration factors predetermine formation of the relatively new phenomenon in modern economy – territorial migration systems (TMS) that in terms of economy are interpreted as the regional labor markets, determined by the effect of the additional agreements and labor contracts. These systems play a special role in terms of the perspectives of regulation of the sustainable economic development and enhancement of the competitiveness of human capital. Formation, territorial organization, development of TMS depend on the effect of the factors of both, external and internal environment. As the result, each of the systems acquires its own characteristics of its integrity, independence, designation, effectiveness of the performance of its functions. The examples of this can be the Ukrainian-Polish, Ukrainian-German territorial migration systems (TMS) the appearance of whose characteristics can be observed against the background of considerable volumes of the present day Ukrainian external migration, deepening of professionalization and division of labor in the transborder labor market, formation of infrastructure of migration services market, etc. Taking into consideration the high educational level of the Ukrainian workforce, regularities and particularities of the development of economic, social and demographic, political. Cultural ties between Ukraine, Poland and Germany, interests and opportunities of the implementation of achievements of economic knowledge in the practice of international economic relations as the economy of postindustrial (new), information (digital), innovation (network), Internet (virtual) era where knowledge becomes the determinant resource, product and source (factor) of the economic growth – the study of the state, factors of the formation and development UGTMS is exceptionally important not only from the standpoint of resolving structural-qualimetric problems of employment of population in Ukraine, growth of the level of income of citizens, but also from the standpoint of elaboration of the new foreign policy of Poland and Germany for the sake of stabilization of economic and political situation in Europe under the conditions of the changing world.



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How to Cite

Sadowa, U., Stepura, T., & Baranyak, I. (2020). Ukraine in the Territorial Migration Systems: Current Structural-Qualimetric Aspects of the Formation and Development. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8(1), 60–78. Retrieved from


