Public Diplomacy as a Theoretical Problem: Searching for a Definition


  • Erik Pajtinka Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica


public diplomacy, government public relations, foreign propaganda


The article analyzes the meanings of the term “public diplomacy” in contemporary diplomatic theory and practice and tries to find its suitable definition. It is concluded, that public diplomacy should be defined as a complex of activities carried out or supported by a state which focuses on influencing public opinion abroad with the aim of reaching or promoting a certain foreignpolicy goal. In this context, public diplomacy should not be confused with government public relations and foreign propaganda. It is argued that while the former is, unlike public diplomacy, targeted on domestic public primarily and its aim is to inform rather than to influence the citizens, the latter uses the means of communication based on one-way messaging rather than dialogue.



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How to Cite

Pajtinka, E. (2019). Public Diplomacy as a Theoretical Problem: Searching for a Definition. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 21–32. Retrieved from


