Development of Volunteer Resource Centers in the Perception of Stakeholders: Experience of the Russian Federation in the Intensive Formation of Volunteering Infrastructure


  • Maria Pevnaya Ural Federal University
  • Jerzy Kaźmierczyk Poznan University of Economics and Business
  • Anna Kuzminchuk Ural Federal University
  • Anna Tarasova Ural Federal University


volunteering, volunteer resource centers, volunteer-involving organizations, volunteering infrastructure, Russia


The article aimed at assessing the activities of the established regional volunteer resource centers from the perspective of the principal stakeholders of this process. Analysis of documents and a questionnaire survey of Russian volunteers and expert were used. As a result, the authors have defined the problems that resource centers face, as well as the prospective directions of activities in accordance with the needs of the nonprofit sector and the population. The public strategy for the development of volunteering infrastructure “from the top-down leads to similar problems manifested in the development of hybrid network nonprofit organizations, aimed at professional organization of volunteers in different areas.



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How to Cite

Pevnaya, M., Kaźmierczyk, J., Kuzminchuk, A., & Tarasova, A. (2019). Development of Volunteer Resource Centers in the Perception of Stakeholders: Experience of the Russian Federation in the Intensive Formation of Volunteering Infrastructure. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 7(2), 95–112. Retrieved from


