After Orwell: Some Thoughts on the Post-Pandemic World


  • Joanna Furmańczyk Poznań University of Economics and Business
  • Jerzy Kaźmierczyk Poznań University of Economics and Business


Covid-19, crisis, finance, budget, work, remote work, stratification, mental condition


The first half of 2020 has entered the history of humanity as a time of change, uncertainty, risk and fears about health and the economic situation. The aim of this paper is to show the broadest possible spectrum of consequences of COVID-19 pandemic from economic and psychological points of view. Today, it is difficult to assess what the long-term consequences of a pandemic will be, but we have highlighted, in our opinion, the most important consequences in the social, economic, and psychological spheres. A review of scientific and popular literature as well as media reports was used to analyse the problem.



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How to Cite

Furmańczyk, J., & Kaźmierczyk, J. (2020). After Orwell: Some Thoughts on the Post-Pandemic World. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8, 36–54. Retrieved from


