The Recast Civil Procedure and Legacy of Franz Klein in the Slovak Republic


  • Marek Števček University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • Tomáš Gábriš Slovak Academy of Sciences


civil procedure, Franz Klein, Slovak Republic


The year 2016 witnessed the completion of a next chapter in the history of civil procedure in the Slovak Republic. As of 1 July 2016, three new procedural codes entered into force, replacing the previously applicable Civil Procedure Code of 1963. The ambition of the legislator was primarily to (re-)build the civil judicial procedure on solid theoretical principles and mainly on the basis of so-called social conception of procedural law, as advocated in Central European tradition in particular by Franz Klein, author of the Austrian Civil Procedure Code of the late 19th century. Major events such as recasting of procedural codes certainly represent an opportunity to look back and to assess the overall continuity or discontinuity of the legal regulation being (re-) codified. This is also the case with the recast civil procedure in the Slovak Republic.



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How to Cite

Števček, M. ., & Gábriš, T. (2020). The Recast Civil Procedure and Legacy of Franz Klein in the Slovak Republic. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8(2), 106–133. Retrieved from


