Planning methods and their use in the achievement of the quality of civil population


  • Klaudia Porubanová University of Economics in Bratislava
  • Patrik Richnák University of Economics in Bratislava


social services, social care, population


The main objective of this paper is to analyse and research demands of citizens on social service providing in relation to the age of citizens in a researched community, based on theoretical knowledge acquired from foreign and national literature. Out of 120 respondents addressed, there were 69.16% out of all addressed respondents who took part in the research. Leaders of borough aim to secure and create favourable living conditions for satisfying and secure living for borough residents. Community planning of borough is aimed especially at development of social services and it results in services to be provided in such manner for residents to maintain in their natural environment while their needs are satisfied.



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How to Cite

Porubanová, K., & Richnák, P. (2018). Planning methods and their use in the achievement of the quality of civil population. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 6(2), 94–103. Retrieved from



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