Regional Considerations in the National Energy-Mix Transformation
Energy-Mix Transformation, Climate Change, Renewable Energy Sources, Social Cost, External Costs of Energy ProductionAbstract
The article is a concise overview of the national transformation of the energy-mix, with a focus on of the Pomeranian region in Poland (the main location of the energy sources discussed), on the basis of economics and social aspects. For the first time, Polish society, especially the inhabitants of Pomerania, are encountering a situation in which many investments in the power industry utilizing new energy technologies, unfamiliar to the general public, are being publicly considered. Among them, there are technologies that evoke fear and arouse controversies, notably; nuclear energy and offshore wind farms. These two future options for the desired Polish energy-mix are discussed as an alternative to the one described in the national energy policy document PEP 2040 (Monitor Polski, PEP 2040). These alternatives are compared with the regional and national challenges of the UE legislation and their highly ambitions targets. First, a concise overview of the literature on energy-mix transformation and the social aspects of the energy transition is presented. Second, it attempts to show the economics of the choices presented last year by two important institutions: the PSEW, concerning the development of new possible sites for offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, and the nuclear experts of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, regarding a potential increase in nuclear energy as planned according to PEP 2040. The analysis is based on cost calculations, including both LCOE (levelized cost of energy) as well as the external costs analysis – predefined in the previous work published by the Institute of Environmental Protection [Mitroczuk ed. 2022]. Lastly, the article discusses multiple social considerations relevant to a successful energy transition.
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