Przesyłanie tekstów

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Sprawdzenie tekstu przed wysłaniem

Autorzy proszeni są o sprawdzenie czy tekst spełnia poniższe kryteria. Teksty, które nie spełniają wymagań redakcyjnych mogą zostać odrzucone.
  • Tekst nie był dotąd nigdzie opublikowany ani nie jest przedmiotem postępowania w innym czasopiśmie.
  • Tekst zapisany w formacie OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF lub WordPerfect.
  • Jeżeli jest dostępny należy dostarczyć URL dla pozycji bibliograficznych.
  • Interlinia 1; wysokość pisma 12 pkt; stosowana raczej kursywa niż podkreślenia (za wyjątkiem adresów stron internetowych); wszystkie rysunki oraz tabele są umieszczone w tekście w odpowiednich miejscach (nie na końcu).
  • Tekst został sformatowany zgodnie z wytycznymi dla autora określającymi styl i zasady sporządzania bibliografii.

Wytyczne dla autorów

  1. The title and the name of the author(s) and the address of the author(s)

The title must be centred and written in capital letters, font Bookman Old Style, 16 points, bold; After the title it must be two empty row, 11 points each. The authors' names must be written align centre;

The first name of the author(s) written with normal letters, and the name of the author(s) written with capital letters, Bookman Old Style, 14 points, bold;

For each author it will be use a row;

The address of the author(s) will be introduced after the name of author(s); it must be written in Bookman Old Style, 12 points, centre;

The address of the authors will contain: the name of the institutions (University of…, Faculty of…, Department of…, Centre of…, Institute of…), the address of the institutions and a personal e-mail.

After the name of the author(s) and the address of the author(s) it must be two empty rows, 11 points each.

  1. The abstract and the key words

The abstract should be written in English;

The abstract contains between 50 and 100 words (if is possible one paragraph) and must be written in Bookman Old Style, 11 points, justify;

The abstract must contains a brief description of the aim of the article, methods of work and results. It should contain on comments and recommendations;

It must begin with the word “Abstract” (bold), followed by the sign “:”;

The key words should be written in English;

The list of key words must contain between 3 and 5 words and must be written in Bookman Old Style, 11 points, justify;

It must begin with the word “Key words” (bold), followed by the sign “:”.

After the list there must appear two empty row, 10 points each.

  1. The text of the article

The text of article must be written using the Bookman Old Style, 11 points, justify;

The TAB is at 1 cm from the left edge.

  1. The titles, subtitles

The titles inside the article must be written with capital letters, Bookman Old Style, 12 points and they must be numbered with Arabian numbers; before the title it must be an empty row, 10 points (after the title it doesn't have to be an empty row);

The subtitles inside must be written in Bookman Old Style, 11 points, bold, and they must be numbered with two numbers (e.g.: 1.3.); before the subtitle must be an empty row, 10 points (after the subtitle it doesn't have to be an empty row);

  1. The figures (maps, images)

The figures must appear on the page where are the references about them;

The figures must be numbered with Arabian numbers;

The figure's explanations must be written with Bookman Old Style, 9 points (e.g.: “Fig. 1. The map of the…”), which have to appear under the figure;

The source of the figures must be written with Bookman Old Style, 8 points, under the explanations;

All the figures must be black and white and there can be used pictures with a very good contrast (if possible no more 4 shades), (for on-line publication the figures can be color);

The figures will be sent as separate files and will be saved as JPEG Images, with the resolution 300 dpi;

If figure contains text this must be Bookman Old Style, 10 points;

The outside of the figure must be simple line, 1 ½;

The charts should be sent also in the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 version.

  1. The tables

The tables are included in the text;

The datum from the table must be written in Bookman Old Style 9 points;

The tables are numbered with Arabian numbers (e.g.: “Table 3”) which have to appear before the table;

The source of the tables must be written with Bookman Old Style, 8 points, under the explanations;

For the header of the tables, the shading color will be gray 35 %;

The outside line of the tables must be simple line, 1 ½; The inside line of the tables must be simple line, ½; between the header and table itself must be double line ½.

  1. The footnotes and the endnotes

The footnotes are numbered with Arabian numbers, starting from 1;

The text of the footnote must be written in Bookman Old Style 8 points, hanging 1,5 cm;

We do not allow the endnotes in the EJTS

  1. The citations and the references

Literature citations and figure references should not appear in the abstract;

The format of the citations should follow the common rules (e.g.: [Kowalski 2010: 19]);

The format of the reference should follow the common rules (e.g.: [Kowalski 2010]);

In the section on bibliography, citations and references should be listed as follows: Kowalski, J., (2010), Współczesna Polska, PWN, Warszawa;

If there are more than two authors, you can also use et al (e.g.: [Kowalski et al. 2010]);

If you are listing several works published by the same author in the same year, they should be differentiated by adding a lower case letter after the year for each item (e.g.: [Kowalski 2010a], [Kowalski 2010b]);

If referring to newspaper sources in the text, you should cite the name of the newspaper, date of publications and page (e.g.: [Newsweek, 11.3.2010: 13])

  1. The acknowledgment

This should be placed before bibliography, and must be written in third person (e.g.: The author(s) wished to thank … for his helpful comments an earlier drafts of this paper);

If the article presents results from research projects, the acknowledgment will be: This contribution presents some results from research projects …. The authors acknowledge to anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful suggestions and comments;

The acknowledgment may be submitted as a separate document that will not be send for review, but will be included in the publication schedule for accepted papers.

  1. The references

The references must appear at the end of the article;

Before the references there must be two empty rows, each of 10 points high.

The word “REFERENCES” must be centred and written in capital letters, Bookman Old Style, 11 points, bold;

The titles of the quoted works must appear at one row distance, justify, in Bookman Old Style, 10 points, hanging 1 cm:

- in the case of the article: [name of the author], [first name initial(s)]., [(year of publications)], [ Title of the paper ], in [title of the review, volume, pages, publisher], [place of publications] ( e.g.: Kowalski, J., (2010), Narciarstwo w Karpatach Zachodnich , in Turystyka, XI, 91-104, Wydawnictwo UG, Gdansk );

- in the case of the paper: [name of the author], [first name initial(s)]., [(year of publications)], [ Title of the book ], [publisher], [place of publications] ( e.g.: Kowalski, J., (2010), Współczesna Polska, PWN, Warszawa );

- in the case of the newspaper sources: [ name of the newspaper], [(date of publications)], [ Title of the newspaper article ], [date], [page] (e.g.: Newsweek (2010), Turystyka świąteczna, 11.3.2010, 13).

For additional information regarding article publications contact the editorial board.



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