The Spread of Shadow Norms beyond State Legal System: Challenges of a Globalized Society


  • Tetiana Mikhailina Donetsk National University
  • Roman Grynyuk Donetsk National University

Słowa kluczowe:

shadow norms, shadow law-making, underground activities, globalization, globalized society


The article analyzes the functioning and distribution of shadow norms in the globalized world. Shadow rules are classified according to their scope and degree of danger. Legal and social mechanisms of counteraction to shadow norms are considered. It is concluded that the mechanisms of combating shadow norms in a globalized society of different degrees of danger differ diametrically. Thus, in order to combat shadow norms that exist before or in parallel with legal norms, it is advisable to use social mechanisms. But, measures of legal responsibility should be strengthened with regard to illegal shadow norms.


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Jak cytować

Mikhailina, T., & Grynyuk, R. (2020). The Spread of Shadow Norms beyond State Legal System: Challenges of a Globalized Society. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8(1), 21–32. Pobrano z


