A Journey Into the Unknown? Global and National Human Rights Implications of the Pandemic
Słowa kluczowe:
covid-19, human rights, United Nations, multilateralism, constitutionalism, nationalism, global solidarityAbstrakt
The article analyzes the implications of the pandemic on the protection of human rights at the national and global level. Human rights’ norms may help in resolving some of challenges stemming from the pandemic. It concerns especially freedom of speech and access to public information, freedom of assembly, right to privacy or right to health. However, the unprecedented, gigantic scale of the pandemic undermines typical human rights’ applicability. Moreover, some governments may take advantage of the emergency situation in order to consolidate authoritarian power. Certainly response to the pandemic needs a new definition of certain rights (especially right to health and equal access to healthcare by vulnerable groups). The international community underlines the need for global solidarity or new social contract. However, it is uncertain whether due to particular interests of some states (including nationalism and populism), as well as multilateralism crisis, there will be a chance for a real paradigm shift. In such a case, human rights will stay as one of instruments to accommodate the post-COVID-19 economic and social crisis.
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