Culture, Arts and Media During and Post the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Viktoria Golovei Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Nataliia Stoliarchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Tamila Prigoda Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Słowa kluczowe:

culture, art, media, pandemic, cultural policy, digitalization, cultural and creative industries


The methodological basis of the study is prognostic, synergetic, structural, and functional approaches that allow us to perceive cultural phenomena and processes in the diversity of their manifestations in the context of interdisciplinary discourse. The study reveals the existential dimensions of the pandemic, its impact on urban culture, art projects, and artistic creativity, the relationship of pandemic and infodemic as a special phenomenon of modern media reality, the interaction of cultural, artistic, and media communication factors, positive and negative scenarios of post-pandemic development. We substantiate the necessity of cultural policy re-shaping by strengthening the international solidarity and cooperation, consumer-orientated changes to ecological ones, human values restoration, and qualitative renewal of cultural and artistic institutions. It happens first of all due to the growth of their creative potential and the use of new media technology activities of the creative community aimed at transforming culture into a crucial factor of sustainable development in society.


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Jak cytować

Golovei, V., Stoliarchuk, N., & Prigoda, T. (2020). Culture, Arts and Media During and Post the Covid-19 Pandemic. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8, 55–81. Pobrano z


