Digital surveillance in the times of COVID-19: Lessons from Slovakia


  • Matúš Mesarčík Comenius University in Bratislava

Słowa kluczowe:

digital surveillance, privacy, Covid-19, human right


Digital surveillance in the form of dataveillance is one of the modern technological tools used for a variety of purposes. With the spread of coronavirus around the globe, digital measures were implemented to fight the pandemic. The article focuses on the right to privacy and the right to data protection as enshrined in the law of the European Union in terms of using such tools during the pandemic. Special emphasis is put on the analysis of the recent judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic suspending the effect of “Lex Corona” allowing public authorities access to location data held by telecommunication companies.


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Jak cytować

Mesarčík, M. (2020). Digital surveillance in the times of COVID-19: Lessons from Slovakia. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8, 184–206. Pobrano z


