Transformation of Education and Training System in the Context of Digital Information and Communication Technology in Sociocultural Perspective and Its Axiological and Ethical Dimension
Słowa kluczowe:
transformation of education and training system, digital information and communications technology, digital education and training system, global aspect, human development, civic life, values, moral standards, sociocultural risks, moral-value problems, sociocultural requirementAbstrakt
This article focuses on transformation of education and training system in the context of digital information and communication technology in sociocultural perspective. Its goal is first to analyse the reinterpretation of the concept of education and training system and its sociocultural aspect within this transformation and identify specificities of digital (global) education and training system. Secondly, we want to identify the sociocultural risks and moral problems in axiological and ethical perspective and find the moral-value requirements. The author states that throughout digital transformation of education and training system (which is a collaborative and participative process), we need to regulate also its axiological and ethical aspect of the form and content. The author believes that the associated risk that endanger the desired outcome introduce the need to raise ethical questions that regard digital information and communications in the process of education. Further, she points out that they include also sociocultural requirements of moral human creativity and its introduction into the education and training system by responsible and approved entities. Lastly, she also points out that today we are speaking about sociocultural requirement to incorporate moral-value aspects into education and training process within the whole society and use these aspects in a proper and safe manner. This specifically includes shaping and development of personality thought media education that is based on moral values, with the intention to improve digital literacy as conditio sine qua non in our personal and social life.
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