Designing Public Policy in Ukraine and in Poland in Conditions of Political System Transformation


  • Olena Chaltseva Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
  • Tetyana Neprytska Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Słowa kluczowe:

public policy, Poland, Ukraine, political system transformation


The article aims to prove that the state should moderate the process of designing “top-down” public policy. The authors analyse the “top-down” state design of public policies of Poland and Ukraine, define public policy development stages in conditions of political system transformation. The authors use comparative method to analyse global indicators, which show the development level of public policy institutions. The article concludes that unlike Ukraine, the key public policy actors of Poland managed to make the necessary decisions at the initial stage of its transformation and, according to the indicators and observation, Poland boasts a more developed public policy.


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Jak cytować

Chaltseva, O., & Neprytska, T. (2020). Designing Public Policy in Ukraine and in Poland in Conditions of Political System Transformation. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 8(2), 134–147. Pobrano z


