Cleavage-Theory from the Perspective of Political Linguistics
Słowa kluczowe:
cleavages, political linguistics, language, party system, Slovakia, political vocabularyAbstrakt
In this article, we try to explain the formation of the language of the Slovak political elite through sociological-political cleavage-theory. With this interdisciplinary approach, we want to prove that the individual cleavages that have influenced the formation of political parties and the party system in Slovakia after 1989 can also be identified on the basis of a content analysis of lexical units characteristic of political discourse in a certain period. First of all, we explain how cleavage-theory was discussed in analyzing the transformation of post-communist party systems in academic discourse. Consequently, we find that all the important cleavages of the 1990s were characterized by a certain political vocabulary. Individual expressions dominated in a certain period, which was characterized by tensions between the two opinion camps. After ceasing to exist a certain cleavages, the identified lexical units either disappeared from the political elite’s communication, or were marginalized, and now appear only as residues of overcome tension.
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