Separating the Capital Region in Poland – The Rationality of the Political Conception


  • Paweł J. Borkowski Lazarski University
  • Agnieszka Bógdał-Brzezińska University of Warsaw
  • Jan A. Wendt University of Gdańsk

Słowa kluczowe:

election, gerrymandering, Mazovia, region, voivodeship, Warsaw


Thematically, the thesis is in the field of research on politics and administration and electoral geography. The subject of the research is the division of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, which is the largest in terms of territory and population, into two smaller administrative units, planned and announced by the Polish government. The purpose of the analysis is to assess the rationality of the planned decisions regarding the creation of a new voivodeship (region) in Poland. Multidimensional analysis was used in the study of political and local government conditions and in the characteristics of the financial and local government policy of the European Union. The results of the conducted research indicate that the division of Mazovia is a classic example of gerrymandering.


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Jak cytować

Borkowski, P. J., Bógdał-Brzezińska, A., & Wendt, J. A. (2021). Separating the Capital Region in Poland – The Rationality of the Political Conception. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 9(2), 16–29. Pobrano z


