Influence of the power and the opposition on democratization dynamics in the Slovak Republic


  • Vasyl Buslenko Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Słowa kluczowe:

Democratization, Opposition, Power, Political Processes, Political System, the Slovak Republic


Available differences between the transition to democracy and its consolidation have actualized the need for researching conceptual perspectives of the functioning of political institutions and constructing an optimal model of their interaction as a guarantee of further democratization. The goal of this paper is to determine the influence made by the ruling authorities and the opposition on the dynamics of democratization in the Slovak Republic. The combination of methodological principles based on the concept of social capital conversion, fluctuation theorem, institutional and neo-institutional approaches constitutes the methodological foundation of the research. The paper has determined specifics of the interrelationship between the power and the opposition in the state before 2020 in the context of current political processes. The main conclusion reached is that the process of democratization in the Slovak Republic has significantly depended on the strategies of social capital accumulation and conversion, selected and implemented by the power and the opposition, as well as on the development of stable dispositions between them in the political field.


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Jak cytować

Buslenko, V. (2022). Influence of the power and the opposition on democratization dynamics in the Slovak Republic. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 10(1), 20–40. Pobrano z


