The role of non-governmental organizations in Hungary at the local level


  • Jakub Potulski Uniwersytet Gdański
  • Agnes Horvath University of Tokaj

Słowa kluczowe:

NGOs, Hungary, Civil Society, Democratization


Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Hungary have undergone a major transformation in various aspects since the 1990s. During the last years under communist dictatorship, non-government sector was the destination for those who desired drastic changes in society because this sector was strongly supported by those, who desired a democratic reform, such as academic and media elites, foreign organizations and governments. The principal goal of this study is to present the role of Hungarian NGOs in local decision-making processes and elections through legal background, financial support and human resource management.


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Jak cytować

Potulski, J., & Horvath, A. (2022). The role of non-governmental organizations in Hungary at the local level. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 10(1), 41–51. Pobrano z


