Russian information campaign against Georgia: after the war in August 2008: goals, narratives and actors
Słowa kluczowe:
Russian-Georgian War in August 2008, Information Warfare, Post-Soviet Space, “Soft Power”, Hybrid WarAbstrakt
The article aims to reveal the main components of Russia’s information campaign against Georgia after the end of the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 in the context of the use of “soft power”. The article shows the growing influence of the available means and instruments of Russia’s “soft power”, the main ones being non-governmental organizations and groups that promote the ideas of Eurasianism, hold joint Russian-Georgian events and meetings, and, as a result, promote anti-Western sentiment in Georgia. The main goal of Russia’s “soft power” in Georgia is to create a friendly and positive image of Russia and to convince society of the only correct pro-Russian course of Georgia. The main research methods are: system-structural, generalization, historical-genetic, chronological and structural-functional analysis. Chronological framework of the study - 2008-2015. The results of the study can form a theoretical basis for the formation and implementation of various methods of counteracting the information and psychological influence of the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet space.
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