Coronovirus Covid-19 like a trigger of sovereignization


  • Tetiana Poiarkova Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Słowa kluczowe:

Sovereignization, Emergency Challenges, Decline of Democracy, Pandemic of COVID-19, Neopatrimonialism, Patron Clientelism


Pandemic of COVID-19 has already become a historical event, aftermath of which revealed the disability of suprastate institutions and international organizations to take flash decisions in order to save life of an average person. These circumstances determined the aim of the article to unite theoretical and applied researches of interdependence between emergency situations and sovereignization. It has been determined that the common trait of these practices is the decline of democratic freedoms and processes because of life values reappraisal. The article also considers the reasons of reconstruction of neopatrimonialism in post-soviet countries during the Pandemic.


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Poiarkova, T. (2022). Coronovirus Covid-19 like a trigger of sovereignization. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 10(2), 59–75. Pobrano z


