Influence of the Media on the Integration of Society in Multinational States on the Example of the Russian-Language Media in Estonia


  • Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk Uniwersytet Gdański

Słowa kluczowe:

Estonia, minorities in Estonia, Russian-speaking media in Estonia, the integration of society through the media


The article presents the structure of the Russian-language printed and electronic media available in Estonia and analyses their impact on the inclusion in the social system of people who do not use the national language of the country of residence. The analysis concerns the state where the level of readership of the printed and electronic press has traditionally been high. Thus, it can be assumed that the media are relevant to various social groups living in these areas. The applied research methods were comparative and quantitative methods. The study was supplemented by the behavioural method – direct observation.


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Jak cytować

Kamińska-Korolczuk, K. (2017). Influence of the Media on the Integration of Society in Multinational States on the Example of the Russian-Language Media in Estonia. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 5(2), 5–17. Pobrano z



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