Centralization, Decentralization, Local Administration and Ethical Impacts: Negative Aspects Evident in the Contemporary Public Administration


  • Mária Adamcová Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
  • Drahomíra Ondrová Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Słowa kluczowe:

Government, local self-government, centralization, decentralization, priorities, negatives, ethics


Authors of the presented contribution put their attention on the relationship between the central government and the local self-government in connection with the constantly on-going processes of centralization and decentralization. Moreover, they take into consideration priorities as well as negative aspects of both levels of governing, the central government and the local self-government. Problem areas, such as the tension between the centralization and self–governing and the democratic mode of governing in relation to the local governments are dealt as well. An inseparable part of the article is created by the presentation of the lack of ethical aspects which are evident on all public administration levels in the Slovak Republic including the local self-governing bodies. Besides that it is emphasized the aspect of inevitability to leave the unethical practices or at least to eliminate them and thus create the more favorable conditions for the further improvement of the professional and ethical cultivation of public sector which is one of the basic preconditions if a democratic society has to live on.


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Jak cytować

Adamcová, M., & Ondrová, D. (2017). Centralization, Decentralization, Local Administration and Ethical Impacts: Negative Aspects Evident in the Contemporary Public Administration. European Journal of Transformation Studies, 5(2), 18–34. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/journal-transformation/article/view/9094



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