Geographical aspects of development of regional center Aktobe


  • Zharas Berdenov L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Nargiz Nurtazina L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University



regional development, zoning, Aktobe, Kazakhstan


This article considers the social and economic situation of the Aktobe region as well as discusses the prospect of industrialization growth. The paper presents a SWOT-analysis that determines strengths and weaknesses of the development of the Aktobe agglomeration. The results can be used by school teachers in teaching a special course in local history, in the activities of architecture department, in the akimat for planning the economic development of the city. In the course of the study, a differentiated assessment of social and economic factors of the Aktobe city was provided.


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How to Cite

Berdenov, Z., & Nurtazina, N. (2019). Geographical aspects of development of regional center Aktobe . Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 9(4), 51–57.


