Changes in the function of former seaport areas using the example of the Dalmor waterfront in Gdynia


  • Sandra Żukowska University of Gdańsk



Gdynia, quay, revitalisation, seaport, fishing, port city


Currently, port cities face challenges that include activities aimed at revitalisation of post-industrial areas with special landscape, cultural, historical and representative values, as well as their urbanisation. The undertaken activities may be called a resuscitation of waterside spaces that are largely degraded. Sometimes revitalisation activities help to tighten the city’s links with water. Gdynia is an example of recreating its maritime character by returning to the water. The subject matter of this paper, concerning the transformations of the Dalmor quay, illustrates the possibilities created by disused seaport areas.


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How to Cite

Żukowska, S. (2021). Changes in the function of former seaport areas using the example of the Dalmor waterfront in Gdynia. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 11(1), 27–36.


