Changes in Transport Service for the Kartuzy Poviat in Poland in the Years 1990–2023




transport exclusion, railway, regional bus transport, private bus company, Kartuzy poviat


In many areas of Poland, areas of transport exclusion related to the lack of public transport service or insufficient offer are identified. After 1989, when Poland underwent political transformation and consequent economic transformation, funding for bus and rail transport collapsed. While rail transport experienced a significant regression in connections, regional bus transport can be said to have been completely eliminated. On the map of the whole of Poland, Kartuzy poviat is an exception, where the role of the carrier has been taken over by a private company which offers transport services at a level corresponding to demand, thus positively influencing the transport habits of the inhabitants. The article examines the change in the offer in bus and rail transport in Kartuzy poviat in the years 1990-2023 and shows that the private bus carrier performs tasks that should de facto rest with the state authorities.



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How to Cite

Jaskulski, S., Połom, M., & Żukowska, S. (2023). Changes in Transport Service for the Kartuzy Poviat in Poland in the Years 1990–2023. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 13(2), 67–77.


