Socio-economic development of coastal health resort communes in Poland
coastal communes, health resorts, socio-economic development, synthetic index, PolandAbstract
The health resort communes have a significant impact on the functioning of the local government. On the one hand, they enhance the development of tourism, but on the other hand, they inhibit the development of other branches of economy. The aim of the study is to compare and point out the developmental trends in the coastal health resort communes, which may provide conclusions on how their health and spa functions affect their development. The subject of the research is the socioeconomic situation of six communes including four located on the coast in the West Pomerania Province and two located on the coast in the Pomerania Province. To evaluate the socio-economic situation, the synthetic indicator method was applied involving pointer variables available in Polish public statistics. The measurements were taken in three categories: human and social capital, material capital as well as financial and economic capital. Depending on the data availability, the time period of some indicators was adjusted to their occurrence. The main time period under research are the years 2000–2020.
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