Geographical and Mental Boundaries of Ukrainian Identity


  • Vadym Vasiutynskyi National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine



mental boundaries, Ukrainian identity, ethnic identity, political identity, ethno-political identity, regional identity


The purpose of the research is to establish correspondence between the geographical and mental boundaries of the Ukrainian ethno-political identity. A theoretical and comparative analysis and generalization of historical, geographical, political and sociological theses and data have been applied. The research determines the external boundaries (between Ukraine and the surrounding countries) and internal ones (between the regions of Ukraine). It demonstrates the exceptional importance of the Ukrainian identity opposition to the Russian mental influences. Ukraine is divided into three main regions. Central Ukraine is a mental basis for the Ukrainian identity and political nation. Western Ukraine is notable for the highest level of national consciousness and Ukrainian patriotism. South-Eastern Ukraine is characterized by stronger competition of the Ukrainian and Russian values, but simultaneously by dominating Ukrainian identity.


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How to Cite

Vasiutynskyi, V. (2023). Geographical and Mental Boundaries of Ukrainian Identity. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 13(1), 30–41.


