Technological Transition to Electric Aviation in the Kvarken Region: A Review of the FAIR Reports (Finding Innovations to Accelerate the Implementation of Electric Regional Aviation)


  • Ejike Okonkwo University of Vaasa



Electric Regional Aviation, FAIR Reports, Technological Transitions, Kvarken Region


Accelerating technological transitions (TT) from carbon-based aviation to Electric Regional Aviation (ERA) is contingent on increased awareness and innovative ideas. Finding innovations to Accelerate the Implementation of Electric Regional Aviation (FAIR) aims to facilitate TT to electric aviation in the Kvarken-Nordland region of Finland, Sweden, and Norway. This paper reviewed 13 reports used in the FAIR project. These reports suggest that TT will provide many socioeconomic and environmental benefits. These include increased connectivity to new areas with zero operational carbon footprints, reduced cost, and travel time. However, most of the investigations in the FAIR reports focused on economic and technical aspects. Studies suggest that TT is also contingent on human factors such as public engagement and participation. Therefore, this paper notes that it is imperative to increase the knowledge of ERA among young people in higher educational institutions in the region, particularly given that they constitute an integral part of the aviation market. In addition, although the three universities participating in the FAIR project have energy-related studies, which are essential in advancing knowledge on TT, they lack aviation-specific courses. This paper proposes that, in their next agenda, regional actors could advocate for the introduction of a multidisciplinary aviation-centred course into the university curriculum. The idea is that such inclusion not only will increase the knowledge of ERA and the chances for accelerated innovative ideas in the implementation process but could also motivate and spur increased engagement in climate actions among young people.


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How to Cite

Okonkwo, E. (2023). Technological Transition to Electric Aviation in the Kvarken Region: A Review of the FAIR Reports (Finding Innovations to Accelerate the Implementation of Electric Regional Aviation). Journal of Geography, Politics and Society, 13(1), 42–54.


