"Ciemne skłębione zasłony". O "Siódmym piętrze" Róży Ostrowskiej


  • Ewa Graczyk Uniwersytet Gdański



Słowa kluczowe:

Róża Ostrowska's writings, racism, intersectional feminism, emigration in the history of the PRL, Polish's relations with France


In four chapters of the article, the author first discusses the volume Seventh Floor as a reportage's account, then briefly summarizes the plot content of the six stories, focusing on the issues of various prejudices and discrimination shown and analyzed in the volume. Then the article goes on to answer the question of who the narrator of the volume is: she emphasizes the importance of the author's memory of interwar Poland. The text ends with remarks on the book's relationship with nineteenth-century French literature and the scholar's conviction that in The Seventh Floor we can find harbingers of upcoming social changes.


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Jak cytować

Graczyk, E. (2023). "Ciemne skłębione zasłony". O "Siódmym piętrze" Róży Ostrowskiej. Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne, (17), 41–51. https://doi.org/10.26881/jk.2023.17.01