Archipelagi Ostrowskiej. Proust, Kristeva i pejzaże "Czasu osobnego"
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Róża Ostrowska, postwar polish prose, literary time, feminist criticism, psychoanalysis, Julia Kristeva, Marcel Proust, chora (khóra)Abstrakt
In article Archipelagos of Róża Ostrowska. Proust, Kristeva and the landscapes of ‘A detached time’, I examine the issue of the literary representation of time in Ostrowska's prose in the perspective of Julia Kristeva's psychoanalytic concepts. I am primarily interested in the connections between gender, sexual difference and temporality, as well as the category of “intimate revolution”. The revolutionary (and at the same time subversive) act here consists in treating the categories of repetition, cycle and return differently, i.e. reinterpreting them as actions consisting in discovering the archaic temporality of chora mothers and utopian redefinition of nostalgia and memory. The key experience in such a case becomes the kairotic experience of the moment as stopping time and discovering a deep, feminine self. This type of subjective gesture is symbolized in Ostrowska’s prose by the phantasmatic landscape of the island and the category of intimate separate time.
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