Krzywda dziewczynek w klasztornej szkole - o opowiadaniu Róży Ostrowskiej "Dziesięcioro przykazań siostry Imeldy"


  • Kamila Piechura Uniwersytet Gdański


Słowa kluczowe:

girls, nun, convent, convent school, priest, harm, violence


The article shows how nuns deal with girls in convent schools. It was shown how the relationships with the mother, with the teachers and with the priest affect young girls locked in a hermetic environment. The research area covered important topics in the socio-political system. One of these topics is the violence by nun guardians used on young girls. The work also addresses the problem of distorted sexuality among the clergy, who, hiding behind their position, feel impunity in the reality around them. The analysis includes psychological issues that deal with the complex structures of religious daily life. In interpreting the reading, tools from feminism, psychology, philosophy, sociology were used. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that the lack of relationship with her parents, the struggle with her teacher and the unclear relationship with the priest put the young girl in a no-win position. The main character's alienation, loneliness and lack of trust delineate a specific course of action that will lead her to the final clash with her enemy. The nun, being both victim and executioner, can't stand the tension, and the priest, through his position in the church and the world, suffers no consequences for his immoral actions. The timing of the appearance of Rosa Ostrowska's short story is also important, 1956 was a time of thaw and greater freedom of publishing. The work was intended to critically interpret the church's actions related to the upbringing of young girls and to pay tribute to the author, whose story has been a forgotten item in literature.


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Jak cytować

Piechura , K. (2023). Krzywda dziewczynek w klasztornej szkole - o opowiadaniu Róży Ostrowskiej "Dziesięcioro przykazań siostry Imeldy". Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne, (17), 82–93.