Szkic o formie nie-pięknego miasta. Warszawa z perspektywy wieku


  • Piotr Otrębski Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Polonistyki


The aim of this essay is cogitation about XXth century Warsaw. The start point is a statement that city is like a great organism. It is traditional interpretation, but as I believe it is still conventional. Warsaw is presented as a structure that never stops, it always keep on moving and changing. Important aspect of urban studies is thinking about aesthetics. I tried to show relationships between architecture and nature. In my opinion this is important issue of urban aesthetics. Finally, the work shows XIXth century’s influences on XXth century or even today city. Reader can also find some references to Polish literature. Many citations are kind of illustrations to presented statements.


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Jak cytować

Otrębski, P. (2014). Szkic o formie nie-pięknego miasta. Warszawa z perspektywy wieku. Jednak Książki. Gdańskie Czasopismo Humanistyczne, (1), 173–191. Pobrano z